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Sr Girls Volleyball

​Holy Cross Senior Girls Volleyball 2023-24

Team Roster (2023- 24)

Hailey Bauder

Abbey Besselink

Charlotte Cantarutti

Beth Coe

Gracie Coffin

Emma Dixon

Ella Douglas

Isla Irving

Ameila Kurzawa

Kailee Matthey

Shelby Peacock

Camilla Purdy

Emma Richardson

Audrey Smart

Emily VanDyke

Ava White

Ashley Woodcock​

Season Results​

 TeamsGame Results

Regular Season Game

Regular Season Game

Regular Season Game

Regular Season Game

Regular Season Game

Regular Season Game

Regular Season Game

Regular Season Game

Regular Season Game

Regular Season Game

Regular Season Game

Quarter Final Game

























Team Roster (2022-23)​

Hailey Bauder

Abbey Besselink

Janne Buechuer

Charlotte Cantarutti

Beth Coe

Emma Dixon

Hayden Gaudet

Erin Ledford

Emily McDonald

​​Sophia Nikitopoulos

Shelby Peacock

Camila Purdy

Emma Richardson

Shelby Robertson

Abby Sinclair​

Ava White


Team Roster (2021-2022)​ 

Julia Main

Hailey Jeffery

Sophia Nikitopoulos

Jessica Witjes

Beatrice Hetke

Avery Gallivan

Beth Coe

Emily Menor

Erin Ledford

Emily McDonald

Alysha Tigchelaar

Abigayle Sinclair

Pareza Tahamtan

Hayden Gaudet

​Coaches: Mrs. Roantree & Mr. Plazzotta 

Season Results 2021-2022


Regular Season Game
Regular Season Game
​LSS vs HC
Regular Season Game
​HC vs SHS
Regular Season Game
​HC vs FSS
Regular Season Game
​KSS vs HC
Regular Season Game
​MR vs HC
Regular Season Game
​RND vs HC
L 3-1
Regular Season Game
​ESS vs HC
Regular Season Game
Regular Season Game​HC vs GREC
1-1 (game cancelled)​
Regular Season Game
​HC vs BSS
Quarter Finals
​LSS vs HC

​​​Season Results (2019-2020)​


Regular season game​ESS vs HC​W 2-3​
Regular season gameLCVI vs HC​​W 0-3​
Regular season game
HC vs MR
​W 3-0​
Regular season gameHC vs NDSS​
W 3-1​
Regular season gameLSS vs HC​L 3-1​
Regular season gameFSS vs HC​W 0-3​
Regular season gameHC vs KCVI​W 3-2​
Regular season gameHC vs BSS​W 3-1
Regular season gameHC vs RND​L 1-3​
Regular season game
HC vs SHS​W 3-0​
Regular season game
GREC vs HC​W 0-3​
Quarter-final game 
HC vs LSS​​W 3-0​
​Semifinal game 
HC vs RNDL 0-3

Team Roster (2019-2020)

​​Ali Quinton

Mikayla LeBlanc

Dru Pierson

Kaleigh Sywyk

Lauryn Furtado

Maeyrn Antonievicz

Lauren Varey

Hailey Earle

Jessica Gougeon

Ryan Fuller-Pierce


​​​The Sr girls volleyball team started off strong this season and were able to finish the season before the novel Corona Virus made a significant impact on Canada. They went 9-2 in the season despite a starting​ middle being out with an injury and their starting libero leaving partway through the season for an exchange. Mrs. Hulse helped carry the girls into the semifinals against their rival team Regiopolis Notre Dame. After a close match Regi took the game in three sets despite the Holy Cross's hard work.  In a true Crusader fashion the girls didn't hang their heads but commended their teams excellence and dedication. Great season girls!​ ​


​Season Results (2018-2019)

Regular season game
​ESS vs HC
W 2-3
Regular season game
​L 3-2
Regular season game
​MR vs HC
​W 2-3
Regular season game
​SHS vs HC
​L 3-0
Regular season game
​L 3-1
Regular season game
​W 0-3 
Regular season game
​FSS vs HC
​L 3-0
Regular season game
​LSS vs HC
​L 3-2
Regular season game
​RND vs HC
​L 3-1
Regular season game 
​BSS vs HC
​W 1-3
Regular season game
​W 1-3
Quarter-final game
​SHS vs HC
​L 3-0

Team Roster (2018-2019)

Alyssa Benn
Joelle Bradshaw
Julia Giugovaz
Morgan Lackey
Rosalie Lau
Anez Poulos
Mikayla Leblanc
Dru Pierson
Ali Quinton


The senior girls volleyball team  started the team off shaky but came together and fought  hard in all practices and games, making them stronger.  Starting off small in numbers, the team had to rely on call-ups from the JR team at times and as well as other grade 12's stepping up to join the team late in the season. They were plagued with injury all season, from hurt ankles to concussions but every team player was committed even if it meant they could only watch. They became known as the "Come Back Team" because they didn't give up on any  point and made it to the playoffs. But unfortunately lost to Sydenham in the semi finals. The coaches are very thankful for all the hard work from the girls this season and are excited to see more success next season.  

​Team Roster (2017-2018)

​​​​Alaina Lewis

Chantal Nadeau

Jillian Banks

Julia Giugovaz

Joelle Bradshaw

Rebecca Ferguson

Margret Revet-Glavicic

Marie Claire Revet-Glavicic

Rosalie Lau

Alexis Pascoal

Clara Sonnemann

Maxim Langevin

Emily Fawcett

Season Summary

The girls started off the season winning the Napanee tournament and later were semi-finalist in the Downtown Toronto Winter Classic, battling some tough OFSAA caliber teams from Toronto.  At the end of the season they were able to make it to the KASSAA semi-finals but unfortunately lost to Sydenham in a hard fought battle, Overall it was a great and enjoyable season!​​


Team Roster (2016-2017)

Veronica Laplante

Rachel Norman

Clara Sonnemann

Jillian Bracken

Jennifer Onwuedeodo

Elena Vetturi

Alexis Pascoal

Emily Fawcett

Sydney Gauthier

Sierra Tornow

Karlee Donovan

Andrea Banguera Ortiz 

Jennika Lapierre

Season Summary

Although the girls had lost in the quarter finals against the Bayridge Bengals, the Crusaders had a hard fought season. There season highlights would include their wins over Granite Ridge, Bayridge, Ernestown, Marie Rivier, Napanee, Frontenac and LCVI. With there tough quarter finals lost they overall had a great season. 

Team Roster (​2015-2016)

​​Jennifer McCann

Kaitlyn Aubin

Karlee Donovan

Julia Van der Merve

Jenna Whalen

Andrea Banguera

Emily Fawcett

Rileigh O'Toole

Jennifer Onwuemeodo

Stephany Taylor

Olivia McKeown

Victoria Stinson

Donya Hojbar

Brooklyn Parlane

Season Summary

The Sr. girls volleyball team had a successful regular season winning almost all of their games by a landslide. Unfortunately in their last game of the season they took it to five sets with the powerhouse team Sydneham but ended up losing. Despite the loss, the girls all said they had a great time this season. Great work girls!

Team Roster (20​14-2015)

​Jenna Whalen

Julia Van der Merwe

Ashley MacDonald

Courtney Norman

Alison Dodwell

Lexi Perin

Victoria Stinson

Donya Hojabr

Stephany Taylor

Claire Nelson

Angeline Desousa

Sammy Coombs

Season Summary

The girls showed their fierce passion fo​r volleyball by winning each close game and won the majority of their games by a landslide. Unfortunately the girls couldn't defeat the two powerhouse school RND and Sydenham. Ultimately the girls had a great season and ended up third place in the KASSAA ranks. Great work this season girls!


Team Roster (20​13-2014)

Stephanie Donovan

Laura Collings

Kelsie Norman

Devan Anderson 

Ashley Macdonald 

Alison Dodwell

Christina Papadakis 

Claire Nelson

Emma Arbuckle

Sydney De Longhi

Emily Constantinidis

Jamie Vrooman

Season Summary

The Sr. girls worked very hard this season to improve the team and their individual skills. They were all very dedicated to the team and gave it their all each game. The grade 12s that returned were happy to be on the team and the grade 11s are already looking forward to next season. Great Crusader spirit girls!

Team Roster (20​11-2012)

Anita Hojabr

Kaitlyn Purcell

Isabelle Horster

Stephanie Donovan

Callista DeSousa

Sammy Gourdier

Caylin Pitcher

Keira LaPierre

Sara Valentino

Paulina Rodrigues​​

Season Summary

The girls worked very hard this season in both practice and games. Their dedication was not reflected in the KASSAA standings however the girls felt a deep sense of pride in what they had accomplished. Coach Purcell talked about how much heart and passion the team had. Great passion and work girls!

Team Roster (20​10-2011)

​Sydney Smith 

Sarah Besselink

Brooke Maschi

Madison Norman

Stephanie Jodoin

Gabby Porter

Alysha McCormick

Sara Valentino

Anita Hojabr

Caylin Ptcher

Steph Benton

Kaitlin Walsh

Season Summary

The Sr. girls team was nothing but supportive of each other. They consistently cheered each other on and showed great persistence and dedication. They ended up seventh place after a season of good spirits and hard work. Great season girls and keep up the dedication and support for next season!

Team Roster (20​10-2011) 

Chelsea Pardy 

Lisa Hogan

Manu Delaney

Gabrielle Porter

Brianna Lapierre

Kylie Valentino

Haley Gourdier

Christina Stewart

Stephanie Benton

Sarah Valentino

Season Summary 

The Sr. girls worked very hard this season. They were disciplined, hardworking and very coachable Mr. Sicoli, the coach, explained. They had so much Crusader pride whether they were on the court or on the bench, they teams never let the team spirit die. Great job ladies!

Team Roster (2009-2010)

Stephanie Benton

Manu Delaney

Ian Gibson

Haley Gourdier

Lisa Hogan

Brianna LaPierre

Chelsea Pardy

Gabrielle Porter

Christina Stewart 

Kylie Valentino

Sara Valentinio

Kaitlin Walsh

Coach: Mr. Sicoli

Team Roster (2008-2009)

Kailtlin Biolovski

Laura Brown

Brianna Cloutier

Jena Mackie

Michelle Hogan

Brianna Murphy

Chelsea Pardy

Riley Sckimba

Kaitlin Walsh

Christina Stewart

Kylie Valentino

Coaches: Mr. Sicoli & Ms. Vanderlaan

Team Roster (2007-2008)

Bethany Biggs

Heather Bonohue

Joanna Boyle

Bobbie-Jo Cronk

Danielle Davies

Tom Doyle

Kristen Goldie

Emily Holmes

Andrew Martin

Ashley Murphy

Brianne Murphy

Macey Neilson

Sarah Splinter

Becky Stewart​

Coaches: Melo-Jordan, Demmons & Lesarge

Team Roster (2006-2007)

Bethany Biggs

Joanne Boyle

Heather Donohue

Stacey Fonseca

Erica Gibbs

Kirsten Goldie

Rebecca Holmes

Jana Schumann

Sarah Slpinter

Janelle Taylor

Coaches:​ ​Kiley Vandewal, Forder, Shillington & Beninger 

Team Roster (2005-2006)

Kyle Kerstens

Janelle Taylor​

Jaclyn Sudds

Kirten Goldie

Bethany Biggs

Brittany Stewart

Alexandra Howard

Tyler Shillington

Nicole Shillington

Erica Gibbs

Aaryn Crawford

Annie Kingston 

Rebbeca Holmes 

Stacey Foseca

Coaches:​ ​Manison & Shane