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1085 Woodbine Rd., Kingston, ON, K7P 2V9| Office: 613-384-1919| |Career Opportunities Staff Links
Useful Post-Secondary Links

​​​​​​​Canadian Post Secondary W​​eb Sites

  • Ontario Universities Application Centre ( - This site provides information on admission requirements, how to apply to university, links to Ontario universities, and an electronic version of the INFO guide.
  • Ontario College Application Service ( - This site provides information on how to apply to college, a search for locating programs, links for parent information.
  • Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities site will provide a list of post-secondary institution in Ontario. This site includes links to apprenticeships, colleges, universities and career advice.
  • Ontario Universities - Information about applying to  and attending university in Ontario.​
  • - This site provides information on universities and colleges in Canada, including admission requirements, costs of programs and contact details. Students can also investigate careers and do an interest quiz.
  • Ontario college and university transfer guide​ - This site helps students identify which colleges and universities have transfer agreements.
  •​- The electronic version of INFO magazine with program searches and scholarship links.
  • Ontario School Counsellor​s Association ( - This site provides information on post-secondary planning tools. The ‘Student Resources’ link offers information on financial assistance for colleges and universities, as well as post-secondary schools outside of Canada.
  • - Students can search an extensive database for scholarships, student awards, bursaries, and grants, as well are receive help with budget planning and loans.
  • - This Canadian site gives tips for students to save money for post-secondary, plan career choices and manage student debt.
  • - This site gives information on scholarships, grants, and cash awards. It matches students to Canadian scholarships.
  • - This site provides loans, grants, scholarships and bursaries to post-secondary students.

All Ontario universities and colleges have separate sections on their web sites concerning information on awards, scholarships, and financial planning.