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Dual Credit
St. Lwarence College logoA student enrolled in the Dual Credit Program spends some of their academic time at St. Lawrence College taking college or apprenticeship courses and the rest of their academic time at Holy Cross taking regular high school courses and/or Coop courses.   

For more information please see your Guidance Counsellor.

Make Up Dual Credit student Kaelin.jpgAdvantages o​f Dual Credit Courses

  • ​You earn credits at both college and high school by taking a single college course. Successfully completing a Dual Credit college course enables a student to earn both a high school credit and a college credit at the same time. ​Successfully completing a Dual Credit Apprenticeship Program enables the student to earn two high school credits and the Level 1 Apprenticeship at the same time.

  • You can take a post-secondary course in an area you are interested in before applying to it after high school.

  • You have a chance to experience the post-secondary environment while still in high school which will ease the transition in the future.

  • You can earn credits towards an apprenticeship or college program before leaving high school.

  • It is entirely free - all costs includin​g tuition, transportation and books are covered.

(Photo: Make Up Dual credit student Kaelin displays her winged eye liner look.)

Masonry Dual Credit student Sam.jpgWho Should Take​ Dual Credit Courses?

  • Stu​dents interested in pursuing a trade so they can get their Level 1 Apprenticeship.
  • College bound students interested in a specific college program so they can get a head start on earning credits in the program.
  • College and university bound students who are interested in one or more careers but would like to try post-secondary courses in those areas before committing time and money.
  • College and university bound students who are in their fifth year of high school and are looking for new challenges outside the high school environment.

Want More Information?

  • Arrange an appointment with counsellor to determine discuss how a Dual Credit course would fit in your schedule for next semester.

  • Be aware of announcements of information sessions about dual credit courses.
(Photo: Taste of the Trades Dual Credit student Sam learns about the masonry trade.)