ββββThe Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board supports students to become discerning believers, lifelong learners and responsible citizens.
SPK SIPSAW 2020-21 OCT 9 Submission .pdf
Click the above document to view the 2019-20 School Improvement Plan for Student Achievement and Well- Being.
Over the course of the 2018-19 school year, our students developed a SCHOOL PRAYER based on the year's Faith In Action theme of "Spreading Joy" as well as the goals outlined in our School Improvement Plan for Student Achievement & Well-Being 2018-19. This prayer continues to highlight goals reflected in our School Improvement Plan, as well as our 2020-21 Board theme of "All Are Welcome In This Place", and it continues to serve as a reminder of our commitment to making our school a better place.
We are very proud to have our own prayer that we share with the school community each morning. Please click on the attachment below to view the final product.
Our School Prayer 2018 19 Final Vers .pdf