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Principal's Welcome Message

​​​​ Welcome to Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic School! Our mission is to develop a school community of love, learning and respect by living Christian values and nurturing every student’s growth. All members of our school community are invited to contribute positively by using their unique gifts and talents to demonstrate faith that loves, forgives, lives the Gospel and rejoices.

À Mount Carmel, nous sommes tellement fiers d’avoir un personnel dĂ©vouĂ© qui se soucit toujours des intĂ©rĂȘts et capacitĂ©s de nos Ă©tudiants. Le personnel met l’accent sur le dĂ©veloppement scolaire, spirituel et social de nos Ă©tudiants. Nous espĂ©rons travailler avec notre paroisse, nos familles et notre personnel pour pouvoir offrir un environnement d'apprentissage crĂ©atif, et innovant pour vos enfants.

When students are engaged in rich and meaningful tasks and make use of technology at the point of instruction, they are reinforcing the essential skills of collaboration, critical thinking, communication, creativity and inquiry. They are learning! It is our goal to prepare students for the rapidly changing, technology driven, globalized world around them. We believe that each student will be successful and that student work will demonstrate high levels of student thinking and achievement at OLMC! 

Throughout the year, you may see and hear our school slogan "Together is Better" and our ALCDSB Pastoral theme of "Blessed Beyond Belief"! These will help our staff and students recognize that God gives us unique gifts so that we can share them with one another, helping each one of to be loved, inspired, and successful!

We say “Welcome” to our Year One Kindergarten students and students new to our school! We wish all students a healthy, productive and enriching school experience at Our Lady of Mount Carmel by becoming involved in one of the many opportunities offered at the school to help develop responsible citizenship and life-long learners.

As the year gets underway and you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your child's teacher or the school administrators to schedule a time to meet. We are looking forward to a successful school year as partners in your child's Catholic educational experience!

Heather Healey         Abby Gauthier

Principal                       Vice Principal