We are in immediate need of volunteers to assist with fund-raising initiatives, the hot lunch program, along with student reading assistance. A sign up sheet for volunteers is being sent home with our first school newsletter. Please consider being a part of our school community by volunteering to assist in any of the following capacities.
Fundraising - volunteers are needed to assist with the fundraisers run by school council. It is not possible to efficiently run a fund-raiser without valuable volunteer assistance. Please contact Mrs. Machan or Mrs. Riveria-Turnbull to leave your name.
Volunteer Readers – Volunteers are needed to read to and with young children. This is a valuable service that benefits students who have varying degrees of reading needs. Please call Mrs. Machan, Mrs. Riveria-Turnbull or either of the school administrators.
All volunteers are required to have an up-to-date Police check. Police checks remain up-to-date for three years. Any parent who plans on volunteering and/or attending any school excursion or field trip with a class must have this documentation.